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ephemery in the digital age and the decay of meaning

so i was on the internet looking for some obscure album and i found this old blog
dont know how it came up in the search results, probably cause i was in like the 5th page of google
and it turns out it was like some 10 year old's blog and they were just talking about their friends and school

just as i was about to leave the site, i noticed that all the blog posts were dated to 2008
that "kid"'s in their 20s now wtf

but like on the website, they're perpetually 10 years old and part of their self is frozen and snapshotted

most likely most of the friends they mention parted ways years back
i wonder if they remember
if no one does, the meaning of the blog kinda fades
and like, in the digital age a lot of stuff stays much longer than other forms
but still part of its essence is stored and soon dies in human memory
completely ephemeral

dvorak to qwerty (quick and easy basic substitution cipher for mates)

this is a simple way to encipher text without revealing the original text before encryption
it does this by "live encrypting" as you type; you'll need the dvorak keyboard layout installed alongside standard qwerty but you won't need to know how to type in the dvorak keyboard layout

to encrypt:

  1. switch to dvorak keyboard
  2. type in anywhere like you would in qwerty; the text will be scrambled

to decrypt:

  1. copy and paste the encrypted text into the box below and hit decrypt


what happens if you put an iframe inside itself

this apparently

so it doesnt loop damn (at least on opera)

try it on your browser and see what happens

new neopronoun i invented with roots in linguistics

so i was thinking about pronouns right

specifically gender-neutral third person pronouns in english

and of course there's the singular "they" which is pretty good, but it often causes issues in a casual dialect (for these examples i am using mainly my casual australian dialect, but im pretty sure that its like this in most casual dialects because they omit most of the same consonants in the same places)

e.g. "so i saw 'em go to school" ('em being a casual form of them) sounds a lot like "so i saw 'im go to school" ('im being a casual form of him)

so you have to articulate they/them slightly differently than you would with he/him or she/her in a casual dialect, which kinda makes it sound out of place

not really the biggest problem, especially not big enough of a problem to create a new pronoun about, but heres a neopronoun i invented by looking at the similarities between he/him and she/her (disclaimer: this probably suffers from as many problems in terms of dialects as they/them)

there are four forms of personal pronouns in english:

here are the four forms of the pronoun i created (some forms i couldn't decide what to do so i made multiple versions):

subjective: se, fe, ze

reasoning: he and she both consist of an unvoiced fricative consonant followed by the phoneme /i/, so i followed that pattern

se sounds most natural to me; coincidentally it is the unvoiced version of the already-established neopronoun xe/ze

might sound a little bit too much like she though

objective: han

reasoning: him and her both consist of one syllable with /h/ as the initial, a single vowel as the nucleus, and a non-fricative continuous consonant as the coda

han means "he" in swedish though, not really a problem though

possessive: hans

reasoning: possessive form is just objective form with an s on the end

could be confused with the name hans though

reflexive: hanself

reasoning: reflexive form is just objective form with "self" on the end

yeah so new neopronoun just came out, no copyright at all because why would anyone put copyright on a pronoun? zero rights reserved, i mean it

unix time and the year 2038 problem

unix time (wikipedia link) is a way of representing time as a single number, which is the number of seconds (not including leap seconds) since midnight on 1 january 1970 in the timezone UTC

the year 2038 problem (wikipedia link) is a problem that will occur at 03:14:08 UTC on 19 january 2038, where the unix time number becomes too big to hold in a signed 32-bit variable

as such, the unix time will overflow and tick from 2147483647 (2038-01-19 03:14:07) to -2147483648 (1901-12-13 20:45:52)

the current unix time is as follows:

and the amount of seconds left until the year 2038 problem is: