art moment
hey check out my COMICS btw
commodore 64 (standard character mode)
the standard character mode of the commodore 64 allows for a 40x25 character screen, where a character is a 8x8 pixel letter, number, symbol, or line graphic predetermined by the computer
out of 16 possible colours, one is used for the background, one is used for the frame, and one foreground colour is allowed per character
dangerfield (2023-02-17)

have you ever been to dangerfield?
got the image in my mind when i was in a dangerfield shop with my mate
big thanks to wbochar for the cool background idea
the swirly background is actually made out of plus signs and checkerboards somehow
earth (2022-04-23)

this is my first art for the commodore 64
i kinda just started with the jaw and teeth and earth in space
then found out how to do good speech bubbles
then i uh
just kept getting ideas lmao
this is not a reflection of my mental state somehow
idk how it could be but you could get some funny interpretations from this
ms paint
groovy (2021-07-16)

this epic croc was made from a 36 degree angle
funny story actually
i was with my mate and i had a google image search for 36 degree angle up for some reason
and he says that you could make a croc out of it
so i drew up a quick groovy croc and now this guy's on my website's front page